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De Today Feature. Living Room Pt. 1

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

I never really saw my living room as 'eclectic', but I guess it is to certain people. It just feels like me.

I always start a room with neutrals and lots of mixed textures. To me that's a base that I can always change and build from and I mix my additions up.

One of my walls is a woven installation of what feels like a sunset of violets. I'm so happy I added that - it's just so nice not to be not starting a white background if I watch TV. Just feels nicer somehow.

I wanted a living room that could be lived in. I have dogs. I have nephews. That's why the McGuire chairs and Nirvana couch ( all links below) were the perfect fit for me. I originally had angular brass chairs b/c I wanted chairs that looked great from all angles, but changed my mind. I don't want anything proper. If you can't relax then what's the point.

The McGuire chairs are stunning and you see the backs when you walk in. I love them

My couch is the nirvana couch from article. I love a really buttery leather couch that looks even better with wear and tear. It's sink-in factor such a great nap couch ;)

More of this room to come soon, but for now here are the links to where I got some of the above.

Nirvana couch :

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